Duties and Obligations of Members
- It shall be the duty of every member of the Association:
- To abide by the Constitution / By-Laws and rules of the Association.
- To strive for achievement of the aims and objectives of the Association by active participation in all matters of common interest.
- To discharge his/ her duties and obligations as envisaged under the Rules and By-Laws of the Association.
- To promote the spirit of common brotherhood amongst the members.
- To pay regularly his / her dues of the Association.
- To reimburse the Association for any expenditure that may have been incurred by it for the benefit of the Association.
- No Member, shall do any work, thing, act or conduct himself / herself/themselves in such a way, that may reasonably cause irritation, annoyance or disturbance to any other member and which may be detrimental to the interest of the Association or is in contravention to any laws of the land.